A Welcome From Pastor Brett
Welcome to Calvary Church! Here are a couple of thoughts from me to you…
Make Sundays matter. Finding your church home takes time. If you felt loved and the gospel honored, come back. There is a spiritual battle that will always try to keep you away from God’s plan for your life. If getting connected seems hard, you are right where God wants you! Take a step even though it is hard.
I’d encourage you to strive to get connected as soon as possible. We deeply believe that connection is vital to spiritual growth. For some, a big step will be making worship on Sunday a priority, for another it will be finding a place to serve, to still another it will be finding friendship in a small group. All three work together to grow us closer to Christ. Consider taking a step to grow today.
Calvary is far from a perfect church, but I think you will find our heart to serve Jesus compelling. I can’t wait to see what the Lord is going to do in you, and through you, in the season to come!
– Pastor Brett Dood

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