The Nomination Team is responsible for recommending a single slate of members for various church leadership positions to our Calvary Leadership Team. This slate is then presented to the consistory for approval and the Congregation for affirmation.
As you go through this nomination process we ask you to:
PRAY for God’s leading and direction at Calvary as we seek to do His will.
DISCERN the leadership roles and responsibilities as they relate to our congregation.
PARTICIPATE in the mission and vision at Calvary by nominating members for leadership.
Leadership positions on this nomination ballot need to be filled by people that are MEMBERS of Calvary Church. For Elder and Deacon positions, members also need to meet the spiritual qualifications found in this ballot
YOUR participation remains vital to the spiritual direction and leadership at Calvary Church. We continue to be a church that boldly proclaims the good news of Jesus Christ as we reach, grow and serve people for God’s glory.
Please submit your ballot as soon as possible, but no later than Wednesday, February 26th. Ballots can be returned to the ballot box in the sanctuary, to the main office or electronically via the link below. Feel free to contact the church office if you have any questions.
We are looking forward to what God has in store for us at Calvary Reformed Church.
In Christ,
Your Calvary Leadership Team
*Please review the Church Government & Leader Position Descriptions by clicking the button below before submitting your ballots.
To nominate a member digitally, just click the button below, then complete & submit the form by February 26th.